PoC Topics

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ENI PoC Topics are specific areas, often linked to a Work Item, where input or feedback from the ENI Proofs of Concept is needed. ENI PoC Topics help to focus PoC Projects on the most relevant topics for the ISG ENI, and to increase the relevance of their contributions.

ENI PoC Topics are identified and documented by ISG ENI. ENI PoC Topics may include templates for the PoC Contributions and deadlines to ensure that the PoC Contributions arrive on-time to be taken into account by the targeted WIs.

ENI PoC Topics

As described in the ENI PoC Framework, a PoC Team proposal shall address at least one goal relevant to ENI i.e. related with an ENI Use Cases, an ENI Requirements or the suitability of an ENI System Architecture aspect. The output of the PoC should provide feedback to the ISG ENI that should support the improvement of the output of the existing WIs. Alignment with existing activities is required. See table below.

Level 1 Level 2
Use Case Network Operations Policy-driven IP managed networks
Radio coverage and capacity optimization
Intelligent software rollouts
Intelligent fronthaul management and orchestration
Elastic Resource Management and Orchestration
Application Characteristic based Network Operation
AI enabled network traffic classification
Automatic service and resource design framework for cloud service
Intelligent time synchronization of network
Service Orchestration and Management Context aware VoLTE service experience optimization
Intelligent network slicing management
Intelligent carrier-managed SD-WAN
Intelligent caching based on prediction of content popularity
Network Assurance Network fault identification and prediction
Assurance of service requirements
Network fault root-cause analysis and intelligent recovery
Infrastructure Management Policy-driven IDC traffic steering
Handling of peak planned occurrences
Energy optimization using AI
Network Security Policy-based network slicing for IoT security
Limiting profit in cyber-attacks
Requirement Service and network requirements General requirements
Service orchestration and management
Network planning and deployment
Network optimization
Resilience and reliability
Security and privacy
Functional requirements Data Collection and Analysis
Policy Management
Data Learning
Interworking with Other Systems
Mode of operations
Model training and iterative optimization
Non-functional requirements Performance requirements
Operational requirements
Regulatory requirements
Non-functional policy requirements

At least one of the External Reference points as enumerated in ETSI GS ENI 005 v1.1.1 will also be shown and tested.

Addressing a PoC Topic in a PoC Project

PoC Teams specify the targeted PoC Topic(s) in their PoC Proposal, and commit to provide the expected input or feedback in the requested format (template, if applicable) in a timely manner.

Feeding back the results

As soon as experimental results relevant for a given ENI PoC Topic are available (no need to wait for the PoC Project to be completed), the PoC Team creates a contribution and informs the ISG ENI by email (if the PoC Topic had a specific template for feedback contributions, it should be used). PoC Teams are also encouraged to contribute additional results and lessons learned during the PoC Project to the ISG ENI.