PoC 04: Predictive Fault management of E2E Multi-domain Network Slices

From wiki

PoC Title: Predictive Fault management of E2E Multi-domain Network Slices

PoC team members

  • Portugal Telecom
  • SliceNet Consortium
        * Eurescom 
        * Altice Labs
        * University of the West Scotland
        * Nextworks S.R.L
        * Ericsson Telecomunicazioni SpA
        * IBM
        * Eurecom
        * Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya 
        * RedZinc Service Ltd.
        * OTE – The Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation, SA
        * Orange Romania / Orange France
        * EFACEC
        * Dell EMC
        * Creative Systems Engineering
        * Cork Institute of Technology

Main contact

Rui Calé, Rui Calé
